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What to Take to a Dorm?

Full Package

What to take to a dorm? As we mentioned already in the past article, college dormitory is the place where students hope to spend lots of time having fun. Yet there are some necessary things, which are to be in your bag once you come to a dorm for the first time. Taking these simple items with you will make your dorm life much more comfortable.

Read the text below to see what to take to a dorm.

  1. 1. Mattress Cover With a Bedbug Protection

    A thing which will help you a lot. “Common” mattresses are not OK, they might have some surprises hidden from the eyes of young and inexperienced students. Purchase a bedbug protection cover, and make your sleep nice & easy. By the way, check the dorm officials about the fitting cover size, they might differ.

  2. 2. Batteries

    All types of them. Make one side pocket of your bag to be a battery storage. Take two to four exemplars of every battery size – from the big A, to the smallest AAA one. They are not that expensive while you live at home with your parents, yet once your budget gets adult limits you start doing some economies. Buy some small electricity before so you wouldn’t stay in the dark during unplanned dorm blackouts.

    Battery AA
  3. 3. Small Trash Can

    Yep, I know you probably didn’t think about it. But in a dorm, you and your roommates are all on your own. Empty chips’ packs, water bottles, used paper lists, handkerchiefs, beer cans (don’t say you haven’t thought about that); they all are much more friendly if kept in the separate can, and not on beds, tables or room floor. Plus, this gives you some advantage before the face of an unplanned room checking ;)

  4. 4. Laundry Supplies

    Don’t ask anything, you know you are going to need some softener, detergent and stain remover. It’s better not to depend on your mates, right?

  5. 5. Laptop & Other Tech

    It is a necessary thing. Even if you got used to a classical desktop PC, buying a personal laptop is a must for any modern student. Unless you are a gamer, is not obligatory to give up $800-1000 for the multimedia station, but purchasing even a cheap personal working machine is the step towards making your college life much easier. HDMI cord and Ethernet cord are to provide additional comfort. By the way, don’t forget to check if your dormitory provides wireless net. Take headphones and an MP3-player obligatorily: dorm is noisy! If you want to make some noise in return, take portable speakers, too.

  6. 6. USB Data Storages

    Don’t think you are the high-tech freak who uses Google Drive and doesn’t need old-school flash drives. Take two compact USB flash drives into your pocket, and the external HDD storage device if possible. Keep the most important data from your computer duplicated not only on the cloud-drive in the Net, but on your old and time-checked drives. Internet connection might not be always available, yet you never know when you’ll need the important data next time.

  7. 7. First Aid Kit

    Check vitamins, anti-diarrheal medicine, aspirin, cough drops, antacid, adhesive bandage and antibiotic ointment to be inside. Put it to a safe place, and be sure you are prepared for an unexpected flu or stomach ache. Do not use any pain relievers on alcohol!

  8. 8. Toiletries

    Shampoo, shower gel, toothbrush and toothpaste. A caddy for shower. A piece of soap in a travelling container. A couple of flip-flop shoes. Hairstyling products, nail clippers and dental floss. Boys are better to check razors and shaving cream.

  9. 9. Household Items

    These are lighting bulbs, paper towels, trash bags, all-purpose cleaners, food-storage containers, dish soap, tissues. Separately check a bowl, a cup and a plate. Take your personal spoon, fork and knife, there’s no guarantee the dorm gives them as a supply.

  10. 10. Shared Items

    Check them with roommates before packing. Here goes next: audio equipment, TV and DVD player (though, they become an archaism nowadays). If allowed by the dorm administration: microwave, hot pot and coffee maker. Small fridge, if not provided. Take favorite posters and art if you are a fan.

  11. 11. Clothing

    This part is obvious, but check it once more. Pack underwear and 5 to 10 socks pairs first (depending on how often you lose them at home). Then: pants, jeans, blouses and shirts. Pajamas, sweats and slippers go next. Depending on a climate, year season, and your future plans for home coming, put sweaters, light and heavy jackets, gloves, a scarf and a hat. Boots: one pair. Dress shoes: one pair. Sneakers or walking shoes: two pairs. A set of business clothes, and one swimming suit finalize your packing.

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