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Becoming a Good Writer

To Be a Good Writer

Ask people around: what’s needed for a person to be a writer? The most part of them will answer: a talent for literature. But what is that talent? Is that about inborn abilities? Well, in some ways, yes. But just like the perfect ear for music doesn’t make a person the great musician, natural talent for literature won’t make an author the real Master.

Good Writer: Talent’s Not Enough

If inborn abilities were a decisive factor, then Tolstoy should be able to write his “War and Peace” in the age of sixteen: why to wait if everything required was already with him?

Writer’s abilities (which mean abilities of expressing one’s thoughts in written way) are important factors, but not the decisive ones. Life experience, education and skills are the matters here, too. It’s impossible to put on skates for the first time and to earn one’s Olympic gold medal right after. It goes the same way with writing: one can’t just get behind the desk and write a good book from the first try with no preparation.

As any kind of arts, literature is based on clear rules. Some writers get used to these rules on their own, and this process takes years. But one can get the same amount of information faster: using study-books. Theory is not enough, of course. Practice is obligatory here. Everyone starts from “zero”: we all learn letters, put words into sentences. But somebody stops at the level of school composition. And someone goes further.

Success for Good Writer

The Golden Rule of Success: your new text is to be better than the previous one. This is how you’ll reach your goal sooner or later, just because you won’t stop on the way to it. The only way to get that is to love what you do. If you don’t just like writing, but growing up on yourself and learning something new as well.

Good Writer’s Success

Maestro works not for money and not for glory. They work from their heart, loving what they do. But any art always takes a plenty of one’s time, so the author stands behind the eternal choice: if to earn money, there is no time to make real writing: if to write and not to earn funds, who’ll feed the family?

Book market is overwhelmed nowadays: there are much more books and writers than the market could consume. So, it is extremely difficult to shine among that crowd of numerous letters. You’ll spend years on writing The Book of The Whole Life; you’ll spend moths (or even years) to push it into any publishing agency, and then it will be published in 3000 exemplars and get lost in a flow of books on the market. So, your nerves are to be made of steel, otherwise the writer won’t survive in this profession.

You might think: that’s not a great happiness to publish your writing in a small quantity of printed books without paying big money. But getting into the publishing agency is not an easy deal for a newbie writer, even if their text is a pure masterpiece. The only thing which could help here is the knowledge about publishing market. This allows the new writer to act with a direct account, as they’ll understand who and how could buy copyrights on the fresh book.

Good Writer Means Good Businessman

Yes, you heard that right! Business skills are important here, too. Written text is a product, and you need to know how to sell it not only to the publisher, but to the reader as well. If you will not promote your book, it’s possible for it to be known only by the workers of bookstores and a hundred or two of accidental buyers.

So, as you can see, it’s not enough just to have a literature talent in order to become a writer. To become a pro who is better than the average text composer, one has to be a good editor, analyst, negotiator and seller.

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