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Reasons to Have a Website

Some years ago, many people thought personal websites to be unneeded anymore, because of the social media development. Instagram could become a business when a person knowing what to do appeared. Facebook community allowed to show a brand and to start earning money. Specialized platforms contained lots of other useful functions.

But still, personal websites not only survived, they gained more popularity. This doesn’t mean a personal webpage to be something obligatory to obtain, but we still can’t deny them in being useful. Here are reasons showing the value of one’s personal website.

  • 1. Website Increases Awareness

    Internet Website Awareness

    Have you ever thought about why companies offer good jobs for some people on their own? Of course, there can be lots of reasons, but one of the main ones is the fact that a person knows how to make the employer feel them to be needed for the company. A personal website is informative, it can say a lot about a person as a specialist.

  • 2. Fast Contact

    Time has its own laws in the Internet. If an interested person wasn’t able to get in touch with you during some time, they’re likely to stop trying at all. This is how you can lose clients, employers, readers etc. The website is an additional communicational channel. That’s comfortable, isn’t it?

  • 3. Demonstrate Your Creativity

    If you’re a web-designer or a photographer, then your website is the first thing allowing to see your competence and professionalism. Think about how to show it all up. Creativity is in the website design. Place all your achievements into the smallest quantity of information possible. This will mean you to be a creative person.

  • 4. Tech Skill Show-Up

    Then again, a personal website means the demonstration of certain skills. Not the declared, but the real one. Though it seems to be simple, there are no many people who can show practical skills in the field of websites’ creation: from domain registration and hosting choice to the content management system knowledge.

  • 5. Allows Content to Get Attention

    Many YouTube bloggers have their own websites. The website helps them to expand the info they want to bring to their audience, and to get more attention. This is the main thing in the Internet (with all the following consequences).

    One can place anything on their website (still, it is better to keep up to the law, of course).

  • 6. Works Better Than Business Card

    Website Business Card

    The website gives you a lot more abilities than the usual business card. You can say and show much more than just first & last names, phone number and position. Just use it carefully and don’t mix it all up.

  • 7. Reflects Your Personality (or Doesn’t)

    It is your call: to make yourself look as cool as you can, or to show your real personality on your website. Both ways are correct. If you choose the first one, then you need to know where to stop making yourself cool. If to do it all right: you’ll get the needed dividends. If you try too hard: you’ll irritate the audience and lose your reputation.

    If the website is personal and it was created for self-improvement, getting knowledge and expressing your feelings, then be real.

    More reasons will come in our next article.

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